How personal trainer waiver forms and insurance combine to protect your business

How personal trainer waiver forms and insurance combine to protect your business

Eddie Lester
By Eddie Lester
Apr 22, 2024
4 min read

If you enjoy physical activity and keeping healthy, being a personal trainer can be the ideal career for you. You’ll get to spend your time sharing your love for working out with others and watching them become fit and strong.

While your main responsibility is training your clients, you also need to take care of your business. That includes staying on top of important paperwork like legal forms.

There are several different legal forms for personal trainers, but we’ll focus on just one—your personal trainer waiver form.

In this article, we’ll cover:

What is a personal training waiver form?

In general, signing a waiver means you give up the option to take some action.

A personal training waiver form (also known as a release form) means that your client gives up the option of suing you if they get injured during training activities.

It’s also called a personal training liability form or a client agreement form because the client agrees not to hold you liable. That is, they can’t hold you legally responsible for accidental injuries.

When your client signs a fitness waiver, it means they accept the risks of following your training program, including the small chance that they might get hurt while training.

When do you need a personal trainer liability form?

A personal trainer liability waiver form is extremely important for your training business. You should consider asking every new client to sign this form before you start working with them.

The personal trainer waiver form vs. general liability insurance

You might wonder why you need a personal training waiver release form when you have liability insurance. That’s because liability insurance and a personal trainer waiver form serve different purposes.

Your release of liability form can help protect you if something happens because of your training. It shifts some of the legal responsibilities away from you because the client acknowledged consequences (aka informed consent).

General liability insurance helps cover accidental damage or physical injury that occurs outside of your actual training sessions. It provides financial protection if you are held responsible for accidents or damage to property.

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For example, say your client sprains his wrist doing planks. If they signed a personal training liability form, it shows that they understand that all exercise carries risks of injury and may deter them from taking legal action.

On the other hand, if you accidentally drop a dumbbell and scratch your client’s flooring, general liability insurance could help pay for repairs. Having small business insurance ensures you can avoid paying entirely out of pocket to defend your business or solve problems.

Here are some common personal training lawsuits caused by accidents or misunderstandings:

  • Your client tears a rotator cuff lifting weights and sues you for not teaching them the correct way to lift weights.
  • Your client doesn’t tell you that they have an old weakness in his wrist from a previous injury. Because you don’t know about this, you set them to do more push-ups than they can cope with, and they sprain their wrist. They sue you for pushing them too far.
  • You don’t know that your client has a history of blood pressure issues and gets dizzy. They lose their balance during a stretch and twist their ankle, trying to recover.
  • You move your client into the right position for squats, but they think you touched them inappropriately and takes legal action for sexual harassment.

How to reduce your risks as a personal trainer

Although every business carries some risk, you want to avoid it as much as you can. It’s a lot easier to grow your business if you don’t have to worry about being sued by your clients. A personal trainer waiver form can help with that.

These steps can help reduce your legal risks:

  • Make sure to explain clearly the risks of doing physical exercises.
  • Have your clients sign a consent form that shows that they understand the risks of intense exercise.
  • Take time to ask your clients about their medical history and their physical condition so you know how hard to push them. Find out if they’ve received a physical examination from their doctor and are cleared for exercise.
  • Do a full fitness assessment before you create an exercise program for a new client.
  • Encourage your clients to tell you when something hurts. This way, you won’t cause a serious injury by telling them to carry on when they should stop.
  • Give your clients time to ask questions and check that they feel comfortable with your answers.
  • Always keep your insurance policy up to date.
  • Have your certificate of insurance handy to show to clients and exercise studios.
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How NEXT protects personal trainers

NEXT provides business insurance for thousands of fitness professionals across the United States. We offer insurance tailored to your personal training business that can be purchased online in about 10 minutes.

Learn more about coverage for your business and get a free online quote today. Once you purchase a policy, you’ll receive a certificate of insurance (COI) to share with your customers. As a NEXT policyholder, you get access to unlimited COIs at no extra cost, plus generating custom COIs is a snap.

Get your free online quote today.

Next Insurance does not provide tax, legal or accounting advice. This material has been prepared for informational purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, tax, legal or accounting advice. You should consult your own tax, legal and accounting advisors for personalized guidance.

Eddie Lester
About the author

Eddie Lester is a personal trainer from Los Angeles and the founder and CEO of Fitness Mentors. With over 20 years experience, 10 different certifications and specializations, and multiple years teaching personal training at the university level, Eddie loves sharing his personal training knowledge and PT exam strategies.

Eddie is the author of Business and Sales: The Guide to Success as a Personal Trainer.

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** Coverage examples are for illustrative purposes only. Your policy documents govern, terms and exclusions apply. Coverage is dependent on actual facts and circumstances giving rise to a claim.

Any starting prices or premiums represented before an actual customer quote are not guaranteed and are representations of existing premiums of active policies as of December 6, 2023. To the extent permitted by law, applicants are individually underwritten, not all applicants may qualify. Individual rates and savings vary and are subject to change. Discounts and savings are available where state laws and regulations allow, and may vary by state. Certain discounts apply to specific coverages only.